2020년 대한기생충학 · 열대의학회 제62회 총회 및 학술대회 온라인 강의

08:30-09:00 등록
09:00-09:10 개회 (최민호 회장)
09:10-09:20 환영사 (류왕식 한국 파스퇴르연구소 소장)
09:20-10:20 [해외초청강연] - I
10:20-10:30 휴식
10:30-11:30 [퇴임기념강연]
11:30-13:00 총회 및 학술상 시상
13:00-14:00 점심 식사
14:00-15:00 연제 발표 I (중견)
15:00-16:00 연제 발표 II (중견)
16:00-16:20 휴식
16:20-16:50 [해외초청강연] - II
16:50-17:50 연제 발표 III (신진)
17:50-18:00 우수 구연 및 포스터상 시상
18:00-18:05 폐회사
09:20-10:20 [해외초청강연] - I 좌장: 노주환 박사 (한국 파스퇴르연구소)
PL1 The enemy within: Leishmania mechanisms of macrophage immune subversion and their
relevance for host-directed therapies
Gerald F. Spath Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
PL2 Molecular surveillance of artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Lao PDR during
Moritoshi Iwagami1,2,3, Masami Nakatsu1,3, Sengdeuane Keomalaphet1,2, Phonepadith
Khattignavong1,2, Pheovaly Soundala1,2, Phoyphaylinh Prasayasith, Sonesimmaly Sannikone,
Bouasy Hongvanthong1,4, Paul Brey1,2, Shigeyuki Kano1,2,3
SATREPS project (JICA/AMED) for Parasitic Diseases, Lao PDR1, Institut Pasteur du Laos,
Ministry of Health, Lao PDR2, Department of Tropical Medicine and Malaria, Research Institute, National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM), Japan3, Center of Malariology,
Parasitology and Entomology (CMPE), Ministry of Health, Lao PDR
10:20-10:30 휴식
10:30-11:30 [퇴임기념강연] 좌장: 최민호 교수 (서울의대)
S1 동남아시아 국가 어류의 인체감염 흡충류 피낭유충 감염상
Infections of zoonotic trematode metacercariae in fishes from Southeast Asian countries
Woon-Mok Sohn Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, and Institute of Health Sciences,
Gyeongsang National University College of Medicine
S2 Clonorchis sinensis: bile affinity and inhabiting the bile duct Sung-Jong Hong Department of Medical Environmental Biology, College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, Korea
11:30-13:00 총회 및 학술상 시상
13:00-14:00 점심 식사
14:00-15:00 연제 발표 I 좌장: 손운목 교수 (경상의대)
O1 [중견] 사상충 전파평가조사를 활용한 피지 초등학교 학생 장내기생충 유병률 조사 Sung Hye Kim1, J. Russell Stothard2, Milika Rinamalo3, Meleresita Rainima-Qaniuci3, Nemani
Talemaitoga3, Mike Kama3, Eric Rafai3, Seoyun Jang4, Ji Young Kim4, Yoo Min Oh4, Eun-Min
Kim5, Sung-Tae Hong5, John H. Lowry6, Jaco J. Verweij7, Louise A. Kelly-Hope2, Min-Ho Choi5
한양대학교 의과대학 환경의생물학교실1, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK2, Fiji
Ministry of Health, Fiji3, 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과4, 서울대학교 의과대학 열대의학교실5,
School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment, University of South Pacific, Fiji6, St.
Elizabeth Hospital, The Netherlands7
O2 [중견] 국내산 방어에서 발견된 방어사상충의 형태 및 분자생물학적 연구 최성준, 엄기선 충북대학교 의과대학 기생충학교실 및 기생생물연구소
O3 [중견] Gastric nematodes and pathologic findings in narrow-ridged finless porpoise
(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) habiting in Korean seas
김선민1,2, 전종윤3,4, 박한찬3,4, 이경은3,4, 이항3,4, 이경리5, 도선희6, 윤희정¹ 서울대학교 수의과대학 기생충학교실¹, 충북대학교 의과대학 기생생물연구소², 서울대학교
수의과대학 생화학교실³, 서울대학교 수의과대학 야생동물유전자원은행⁴, 국립수산과학원
고래연구센터5, 건국대학교 수의과대학 임상병리학교실6
15:00-16:00 연제 발표 II 좌장: 류재숙 교수 (한양의대)
O4 [중견] Detection of US and Kobe type Babesia microti in ticks on small wild mammals of the
Republic of Korea
Tae Yun Kim, Seong Yoon Kim, Tae-Kyu Kim, Jong Yul Roh, Jiye Seo, Hee IL Lee, Wook-Gyo
Lee, Hyunwoo Kim
Division of Vectors and Parasitic Diseases, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Korea
O5 [중견] Interactome-based investigation on two cyclin-dependent kinases, CDK1 and CKD2 of
Giardia lamblia
김주리, 박은아, 신미영, 박순정 연세대학교 의과대학 환경의생물학교실
O6 [중견] 집먼지진드기 내 세균총과 진균총의 상호작용과 알레르기 염증반응에 미치는 영향 김주영, 이명희, 이인용, 이한일, 용태순 연세대학교 의과대학 환경의생물학교실, 열대의학연구소
16:00-16:20 휴식
16:20-16:50 [해외초청강연] - II 좌장: 송현범 교수 (서울의대)
PL3 Structure-function relationships of an atypical secretory kinase essential for Toxoplasma
Gaëlle Lentini1, Rouaa Ben Chaabene1, Oscar Vadas1, Chandra Ramakrishnan2, Budhaditya
Mukherjee1,3, Ved Mehta4, Matteo Lunghi1, Jonas Grossmann6, Bohumil Maco1, Rémy
Visentin1, Adrian Hehl2, Volodymyr M. Korkhov4,5, Dominique Soldati-Favre1
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Medicine, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland1, Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland2, School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur, India3, Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zurich4, Paul Scherrer
Institute, Villigen, Switzerland5, Functional Genomic Center Zurich, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland6
16:50-17:50 연제 발표 III 좌장: 유학선 교수 (부산의대)
O7 [신진] 면역 증강제 CpG-ODN을 이용한 톡소포자충 다중 항원 바이러스 유사 입자 백신의 효능 평가 강해지¹, 주기백¹, 김민주¹, 윤건웅¹, 이수화², 문은경², 전복실2,3 경희대학교 일반대학원 기초의과학과¹, 경희대학교 의과대학 의동물학교실², 경희대학교 의과대학 중점연구소³
O8 [신진] Preliminary Trichinella spiralis infection ameliorates subsequent RSV infection-induced
inflammation by enhancing the antioxidant response in mice.
주기백¹, 강해지¹, 문은경², 전복실2,3 Department of Biomedical Science, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University¹, Department of
Medical Zoology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University², Medical Research Center for
Bioreaction to Reactive Oxygen Species and Biomedical Science Institute, Kyung Hee University³
O9 [신진] Distribution and risk factors for Blastocystis sp. infection: A cross sectional survey among
health check-up patients in South Korea
Taehee Chang¹, Bong-Kwang Jung¹, Sooji Hong¹, Hyejoo Shin¹, Seoungwan Ryoo¹ Jeonggyu
Lee¹, Seihee Han², Sun Min Park³, Min-Suk Rhee³ and Jong-Yil Chai1,4
Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Korea Association of Health Promotion, Seoul, Korea¹, Western
Seoul branch, Korea Association of Health Promotion, Seoul, Korea², Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Republic of
Korea³, Department of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea⁴
17:50-18:00 우수 구연 및 포스터상 시상
18:00-18:05 폐회사

포스터 발표

포스터 번호 발표자 제목
P1 이승헌 국내 고양이에서 Spirometra decipiens 성충 감염 및 치료 증례
P2 원은정 Potential therapeutic effect of Metagonimus yokogawai on
OVA-induced allergic rhinitis model
P3 Ji-Hoon Park CD36 is a receptor for Plasmodium vivax Merozoite-TRAP, PvMTRAP
P4 Ja Moon Aung 가시아메바의 철(Fe) 이온 조절 단백질과 포낭형성의 관련성 규명
P5 So-Young Joo The role of the Acanthamoeba castellanii Sir2-like protein in the
growth and encystation of Acanthamoeba
P6 Seokwon Na Morphological and biochemical characterisation of individual red
blood cells parasitised by Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, and 
P. cynomolgi using optical diffraction tomography
P7 한익환 IL-17-producing T lymphocytes induced by prostate epithelial cells
stimulated with Trichomonas vaginalis promote progression
of prostate cancer cells
P8 Tilak Chandra Nath Intestinal parasitic infections in Bangladesh: An insight to captive
wildlife and one health approach
P9 Bong-Kwang Jung A survey of Metagonimus yokogawai metacercariae in sweetfish, 
Plecoglossus altivelis, from various localities of Korea
P10 김민정 Chorismate mutase 항체를 이용한 아메바성 각막염 진단법의 연구
P11 장태희 The occurrence of hybridization between Taenia saginata and Taenia
 in Northern Cambodia
P12 Barakaeli Abdieli Ndosi Identification of Murshidia species of Central African warthog 
Phacochoerus africanus massaicus (Lönnberg, 1908) from Tanzania
P13 이명희작은소피참진드기 타액 내 단백질의 알레르기 유발가능성 조사
P14 이석원암피실린으로 인한 독일바퀴의 세균총 변화 및 알레르겐의 감소
P15 Chatanun Eamudomkarn Ehrlichia and Hepatozoon infected dog ticks in Khon Kaen Province,
Northeast Thailand
P16 Tuấn Cường Võ Molecular surveillance of malaria in the Central Highlands, Vietnam
P17 Mohammed Mebarek Bia Molecular identification of Hypoderaeum conoideum (Block, 1872)
cercariae in fresh water snails from Jojong-cheon stream in Gapyeong city, Korea
P18 Fei Fei Gao Silver nanoparticle-induced apoptosis in ARPE-19 Cells is inhibited by 
Toxoplasma gondii pre-infection through suppression of
NOX4-dependent ROS generation
P19 Won Gi Yoo Bile ductal transcriptome identifies key pathways and hub genes in 
Clonorchis sinensis-infected Sprague-Dawley rats
P20 Fei Fei Gao VEGF production is dependent on the Akt/ERK signaling in 
Toxoplasma gondii-infected ARPE-19 cells
P21 Ju Yeong Kim Diagnosing Balamuthia mandrillaris encephalitis with TA cloning using universal eukaryotic primers
P22 유승완 전라남도 신안군 압해면 대천리에서 채집한 바지락에서 
Acanthoparyphium sp. 피낭유충 감염보고
P23 최준호 Anisakis spp. extract-induced airway inflammation in experimental
P24 김현정 2019년 바베시아열원충 인체감염 사례
P25 김민주 혈청진단용 톡소포자충 재조합 바이러스 유사입자 항원 단백질 연구
P26 신혜주 Prevalence of Haplorchis pumilio infection among schoolchildren on
a small island of Lake Victoria in Tanzania
P27 윤건웅 톡소포자충 rhoptry protein 4 (ROP4)를 발현하는 재조합 백시니아 
바이러스 제작
P28 Min-Ji Song Chromatin-mediated gene regulation in the protozoan parasite 
Trichomonas vaginalis
P29 강신애 비만동물모델에서 선모충 근육유충 용해물에 의한 비만 개선 효과
P30 신미영 Functional identification of a nuclear localization signal of MYB2
protein in Giardia lamblia
P31 박은아 Polo-like kinase, a regulator of cell division and flagellar biogenesis in 
Giardia lamblia
P32 양현종 2002-2018년 이대목동병원에서 기생충학교실로 의뢰된 검체로 나타난 
기생충 감염증
P33 Ajanaw Yizengaw Baye Detection of pathogens in ticks collected from Tanzania using specific PCR and NGS
P34 손혜진 파울러자유아메바의 profilin 유전자의 클로닝 및 기능분석
P35 이수화 말라리아 Plasmodium berghei의 merozoite surface protein 8,
merozoite surface protein 9 및 rhoptry-associated protein 1을 
발현하는 바이러스 유사입자 백신 효능
P36 손혜진 콘택트렌즈 세척액으로 전처리된 Acanthamoeba castellanii에 의한 
마우스 각막염 발생 억제효과
P37 이정헌 코로나19 바이러스 nucleocapsid protien에 대한 단클론항체의 생산
P38 Fei Fei Gao FOXO1 mediated FAF1 expression is essential for the host to prevent 
Toxoplasma gondii infection
P39 김현아 말라리아 위험지역 내 민간과 군지역의 매개모기 발생밀도와 
원충양성 모기 검출 현황 (2019-2020년)
P40 Bo-Ram Yun Comparison of in vitro acaricidal effects of entomopathogenic fungi
against the poultry red mite  Dermanyssus gallinae
P41 A-Tai Truong On-site detection and phylogenetic analysis of Rickettsia spp.
in livestock ticks in Korea
P42 Mi-Jin Jeong Relation of TLR2 and TLR9 with new anti-malarial substances N-89 and N-251 in Plasmodium berghei infection model
P43 A-Tai Truong On-site detection and infection rate ofCoxiella burnetii in livestock
ticks by Ultra-rapid Chip-based PCR
P44 Alghurabi Areej Sabri Mahdi Molecular identification of pathogens in ticks collected in South Korea
P45 서지예 Kudoa septempunctata 진단을 위한 duplex real time-PCR 개발
P46 이연재 Vitamin D antagonize Toxoplasma gondii growth by reducing host
Programmed cell death protein 5 (PDCD5) in ARPE-19 cells
P47 장슬기 Anti-parasite effect of 4-hydroxyacetophenone is mediated by
regulation of HIF-1α and Akt
P48 권지영 이질아메바와 동형아메바 동시 진단을 위한 duplex real time-PCR 개발
P49 이해승 Molecular detection and genetic characteristics of Blastocystis in
Korean water deer, Hydropotes inermis argyropus
P50 이해승 Occurrence and genotypic analysis of Giardia duodenalis from horses
P51 이해승 Identification of Cryptosporidium spp. in horses in Korea
P52 박미경 재조합 가시아메바 프로필린의 알레르기성 호흡기 염증 유발 기전 연구
P53 Seung-Hwan Seo Increased cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in NSCLC cells through
combination of Toxoplasma gondii-derived protein and
anti-cancer drug
P54 Mi-Sun Yoo Prevalence and transmissible pathogens of Varroa spp.
and Tropilaelaps spp. in honeybee, Apis mellifera
P55 Yeseul Kang Reconsiderations on the genus Stomachicola (Trematoda: Hemiuridae) based on morphological diversity of its type species, 
Stomachicola muraenesocis
P56 Youn-Kyoung Goo Evaluation of genetic diversity of Plasmodium vivax vir genes in
Myanmar population